what did one lawyer say to the other...


What did one lawyer say to the other (when they saw this on instagram)?

“Nice to see you’re reading some fiction.” 😂😬

On the one hand, that’s hilarious. On the other hand, it’s a little sad that so many of us would think that. But the thing I find most interesting? Regardless of whether you believe it’s fiction or non-fiction:

You’re probably right.

If you don’t believe you can be happy in law, that’s probably going to be your reality. If you believe you can be happy, there’s a good chance you’ll figure out a way to make it happen. I would argue that this extends beyond “being happy in law”, all the way to “being a success”, “having a happy marriage”, and so on. If you believe you can do it, you will. If you don't, you won't.

I really try not to be preachy in the book. Instead, I just show you stories of people who’ve found a way to be happy in their lives and their work, and the main levers that they used to get there.

You can too, but first you need to believe it’s possible. Not just for others, but for you too.

You got this. We got this.

- Paul

PS. What’s one belief you have that a friend of yours would probably think is fiction?



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