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Where Happiness Meets High-Performance


Life can be hard. It’s true.

Between balancing your work, your partner, your kids, your health, not to mention trying to look ahead and plan a few steps in front of you, it can sometimes feel like too much. Know this - it’s normal for it to feel hard.

And I know it doesn’t feel like it in the moment (and you might even be mad at me for saying this), but the fact that life is hard is not a bug, it’s a feature.

Trust me, life without challenge and growth is boring as shit, life without love feels pointless as fuck, and life without some sense of control and choice feels soul-sucking as all hell.

The bad news? It’s easy to get caught, become stuck, and feel like your best times are all in the rear view mirror.

The good news? It doesn’t have to be that way. Much is within your control to be able to turn this around.

And if you decide to become intentional and commit to yourself, then I have full faith that you’ll succeed. That you won’t feel stuck, that you won’t feel trapped, that instead you’ll feel confident, self-determined, and full of agency. Fuck yeah. I’ve seen it with clients, I’ve seen it with happy lawyers that I’ve interviewed.

This is the “Work With Us” page, but let me be clear - you don’t actually need to work with us (or anyone else). You can do this on your own if you so choose. You just need to do it.

How does Leader Rising fit into this journey? Is coaching the answer to all our problems? We’ll get to that below, but first some important stuff:


Our Philosophy

In the immortal words of Joseph Campbell, we believe that the privilege of a lifetime is being who you are. Too many of us just follow the map we’ve been given regardless of whether it’s actually the right map for us (hint: it probably isn’t).

We take a stand for courage, and against regret. We take a stand for knowing yourself, and against chasing someone else’s dreams.

We dream for a world where we focus on the things that matter: our relationships and the things that are fundamental to our heart, rather than simply wasting our earth as we seek to keep up with the latest trend. Where we can get out of our own way and take the energy we’ve been wasting on being stuck and instead channel it into being happy and leaving this world better than we found it.

We dream for a world where we you get to be who you are - where we can be ourselves, and we belong.

If that makes sense to you, then please pull up a chair. We want you here.


We help you live with the passion you know you have.


We focus on that sweet spot where you’re being who you are, you’re at the top of your game, and you’re making a difference.

We’ve realized that:

  • when you’re out of your authenticity, you burn out,

  • when you have no impact, you’re selling out, and

  • when you’re not good at what you do, you’re irrelevant.


Now don’t get me wrong, this doesn’t all need to come from your work, this is about approaching who you are in your life holistically.

Two common approaches:

  1. Working on your reality. This is the standard approach for most of us. Let’s get the promotion, the nicer job, so we can get the bigger house and the cooler car. Let’s have our external trappings complete us.

  2. Working on your inner game. This is the standard approach in a lot of ‘wellness’ circles. Change your perspective and accept yourself. The only thing stopping you from loving you is you.

The truth is, there’s wisdom in both approaches but neither approach fixes everything by itself (we’ve tried both). Turns out it doesn’t quite work to accept things without taking steps to change them, nor change things without working on our internal ability to accept.

We’ve found that working on both your reality and your perspective at the same time is the best way to do it.

So, is coaching the best ever and do I need it?


It’s really hard for us to answer without knowing you. In fact, it’s probably best if you answered that. Here’s what coaching helps us do:

  • Clarify what you want in life and how you want to be living

  • Act with intention so you can create that life

  • Process your emotions and your shit so you stop getting in your own way

  • Hold yourself accountable in a loving way so you make meaningful progress on what matters for you

It’s probably apparent from the list above that really anyone would benefit from coaching. As for whether you need it or it’s right for you right now (and whether we’re the right team for you to work with), honestly that’s up to you and we support you in your decision either way.

Wait, why is this place called Leader Rising?

That’s a good question.

Honestly, it wasn’t even intentional at first. It was just this gut feeling that by helping people become more self-expressed authentic versions of themselves that they would also show up as more of a leader.

Being a leader is about seeing the potential in people or ideas and having the courage to foster that potential.

Since who you are is how you lead, when you show up fully and authentically in your life, you can be present as a leader and see potential in people that even they couldn’t see. And you’ll have the courage to be with them as they fulfill it.

So as you become who you are, you become a leader rising.

We believe that when you do that, you’re who you were always meant to be, and you’re who your family needs and deserves.

We believe that we are all the hero in our own story. And that each of us holds the pen. Are you ready to commit to yourself?

This is where we come in.

Personal Coaching

If you want personalized attention and someone in your corner to relentlessly support you and help you towards your goals, one-to-one coaching might be the right thing for you.

We’re a big piece of the puzzle, but we’re not the whole puzzle. We’re not even the main event (psst, that’s you). If you want to see change in your life, you need to change your life. It requires commitment - commitment to showing up in your own life and being the change you want to see.

It can take a while to make lasting change in your life. Coaching engagements are typically between 3 and 12 months.


These are the main ways you can work with us (all rates Canadian):

  1. Rocket Fuel Coaching ($1,200 + HST per month) - We connect every week. This is for those who want to build momentum, who are navigating a crisis, or who like ensuring we always have a call around the corner to talk about anything urgent that comes up.

  2. Life Mastery Coaching ($650 + HST per month) - We connect twice a month. This is the default level I recommend for most people (unless you’re feeling called to connect weekly).

  3. Cruise Flight Coaching ($380 + HST per month) - We connect once a month. This level is for existing clients who are doing well and would prefer less frequent touch-points. New clients are not allowed to start at this level. This level is for maintaining momentum, not building it.

  4. The Mastermind ($500 + HST per month) - This mastermind is for fathers who are lawyers. It has a whole-life focus (e.g. we discuss business, high performance, life, relationships, parenting, etc.). If this sounds interesting, you’re welcome to apply.

  5. Ad-hoc calls ($425 + HST per call) - These are generally only available as exceptions (e.g. former clients, or very discrete topics).

Interested in seeing if we’re right for you? We'd love to chat.