feedback on the happy lawyer πŸ‘‚


One of the most moving testimonials that The Happy Lawyer has received was from Norman Bacal, a former lawyer and managing partner on Bay St., and author of three books himself. Although he called The Happy Lawyer "a must read" in his amazon review, what floored me was the following note he sent me a few weeks later:

"You might have seen a spike in book sales about 10 days ago. I was speaking at a conference on Mental Health in the profession to a group of paralegals and told them that if they read nothing else (including my Take Charge) it had to be your book in terms of setting career and life priorities and objectives. I ordered them to take out their phones and order it on the spot."

Reviews are one thing. Having a fellow author and speaker recommend your book to an audience is another.

My heart is full. πŸ’™πŸ§‘

- Paul

PS. If you've read the book, do you have any feedback for me? It doesn't need to be positive, and it'll be totally confidential unless you tell me otherwise (I published the above with Norm's approval) - I'd just love to hear how it's landed/landing with you. Just go here and let me know.



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