A fresh hot-take for you today πŸ”₯πŸ€”


Ready for a hot-take? πŸ”₯πŸ€” I reserve the right to be wrong, but I don't think I am (otherwise I wouldn't share it).
The ability to look at challenges as blessings is one of the MOST underrated skills.
We all get delivered shit hands from time to time. Some of us more frequently than others. Whenever I get delivered a shit hand, it feels unfair. "If only I had more time to build my business." "If only I had more money." "If only I didn't have to work as a lawyer." These are all things I have thought (though that last one not in the past year 😊).
But there are others I've heard from clients and friends: "If only I had a boyfriend/girlfriend." "If only I had bought a house before the run-up in prices." "If only I had a family." "If only I had won that case." "If only I had/hadn't taken my money out of the market." "If only I had never met him." "If only..."
I'm NOT trying to take away from any of these challenges. Many of these are legit hard to bear. I still struggle with my own.
Rather, I've been on the lookout for examples of the old stoic philosophy: THE OBSTACLE IS THE WAY, and it's amazing how many people's responses to their shit hands are examples of it.
This doesn't mean the obstacle is IN the way, or that the obstacle is something you just need to put up with (like traffic on the commute home). This means that the only way to your future is through the obstacle.


This means YOU SEEK IT OUT.
So yeah, the shit hands suck. And definitely do your best to avoid getting them. But to the extent you've got one, I'd vote that the best thing you can do is embrace it and seek it out. Move through it.
Cause you're an amazing person doing amazing things, and the next step on your journey is through that shit hand. πŸ§‘πŸ’™ I'm rooting for you.
What do you think? Am I wrong? Or is it not underrated at all?



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