Is your job the problem? Or is it you?

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My friend sighed, and then looked at me. “I don’t know man. I just … I just think … maybe the problem is with me. Maybe something is wrong with me.” He shook his head.

Maybe if I got a different job, I still wouldn’t be happy.”

This guy is successful. Damn successful. Many people would kill for his job. Hell, him 10 years ago would have killed for his job.

And yet, he isn’t happy.

Worse, he thinks he might not be capable of being happy.

Worse yet, this fear is keeping him stuck.

You get worried about making a change. Because if this is who you are (and you’ll never be happy) - then why risk what good you do have?

And so no change is made.

You’re stuck.

If this resonates at all, check out this episode.

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