I've always wanted to be a writer βœπŸ“


Even now, as I'm creating a movement and a business around personal transformation (my other passion), I still dream about becoming a writer. βœπŸ“


I had some pretty tough times as a kid. Bullied. Ostracized. I remember being the butt of every joke. I remembering being chased around the schoolyard by my "friends" with sticks. πŸ˜” If I slowed down they would whip me in the legs. And still I tried to hang around them.


You see I just wanted to belong.


And through it all, I always belonged with books. With stories of heroism. Of swords, sorcery, and spaceships. πŸ²πŸš€βš” Of daring and adventure.


I want to be telling those stories for the next generation.


In Atomic Habits, James Clear says that every action you take is a vote for our identity. People think that they need to nail everything 100% of the time. Let me ask you - what election is won with 100% of the vote?


You just need a majority.


And for that, you just need to get started.


He says that the biggest input is the number of consistent actions you take. So it's better to sit down to write for 4 minutes every day than to write for a half hour every week.


Because THAT builds the identity of being a writer. And once you're someone who writes, you show up and do it.


I remember someone asking me how I could run in the winter. I didn't understand the question. I wear different clothes, but it's not any harder than in the summer. It's because I'm a runner.


It's what I do.


And I know, inside of me, is a writer.


So I committed to myself, I will write 100 words a day. I did that at the start of August, and I hit that goal 29 days out of 31. In September, I've only missed one day. Many days I've written a fair bit more.


Some days I work on (awesome πŸ˜πŸ™„) stories with daemons and monsters. And some days I write about personal transformation.


I've decided to make a new commitment - for the next 5 weeks, I will email you every weekday. Most emails will be 100-200 words. Some will be longer.


All of these will be ideas I find worth sharing. If you don't want to receive more emails, the unsubscribe button is below - no hard feelings.


In service,




PS. In case you were wondering πŸ€”, an emoticon counts as a word.


PPS. Just as I'm casting votes for myself, what votes do you need to cast for the identity you want to become?


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