My cluttered shit is stressing me out


We just got back from almost six months of living with my in-laws during the pandemic … and returning home wasn’t what I thought it would be.

It was supposed to be sunshine and calm. 🌞✌

Instead I’m a bit stressed and fighting overwhelm (usually, but not always, winning).

I think a huge part of it is from the clutter in my house. We moved back into a place frozen in time from March (which, with a toddler who’s turned into a preschooler) is a long time, plus all of the stuff we’re bringing back with us. There are bags of things waiting to be sorted. Winter clothes still out. 6 months of not putting things away whenever we came back for a weekend.

So… I’m going to do a Marie Kondo style decluttering. I’ve done one before (limited to my clothes/books) and now I want to do one with the entire house.

I’ll report back when I’m done.

Some interesting stuff in here if you’re considering one of these for yourself.

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