Mastering My Phone Addiction


On a scale of 1 to 10, where 10 is "you own your phone" and 1 is "your phone owns you" - where do you land?

And if you have both a work and a personal phone, how do your scores differ? If you go to your "Screen Time" page, what's the average usage per day been this week? And what about the average number of pickups, and average number of notifications?

Usage is a sneaky stat since it includes call time, and if you’re working from home and taking calls from your phone, that’s bound to be high.

But your pickups? That’s your addiction talking.

And your notifications? That’s in part how you feed your addiction.

If you're like me - all of these are higher than you want them to be. 🙄😬

Most of us know we have a problem. Which is a good first step. But it's still just a first step. The next step is actually feeling like it's necessary to do something about it. But what can we do? We need it for work 🏢, it's our alarm ⏰, it's how we read the news 📰...

Truly seeing your relationship with your phone is the first step to turning it into one that will serve you.

As for the six things I’ve been trying:

  1. Deleting my problem apps.

  2. Putting the phone on silent.

  3. Mute group conversations.

  4. Remove all (or almost all) notifications.

  5. Get a house phone(!).

  6. Have a home base for my phone.

We go into this and more on today’s podcast. We hope you enjoy.

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