3 Things I Learned From Being Part-Time For A Year


This week is the one year anniversary of a really important day in my life. An inflection point.

​It wasn't the day that everything started, but rather the day that everything changed. Sort of the way that we start driving when we leave the house, but it's only when we merge on the highway that we've both sped up and committed ourselves to the direction. 🚗

​A year ago today, I stopped being a full time employee, and started being a part-time employee.

​From 5 days a week, down to 3.

​You see, we all make this fundamental trade in our lives:

​​We trade TIME ⌚ for MONEY 💰.

We trade a finite resource for one that we can get more of. And while both are important to me, I had decided that my current balance was off. And in an age when everyone is chasing promotions and raises:

this is very much counterculture.

​I believe that that the biggest impediment for most is not that they value money so highly, but rather because they value the STATUS that their money and job bring.

And frankly, making a decision like this ​is SCARY. 😨

​And I think THAT's why I was able to pull the trigger on this. Not because I don't feel fear (I do), but because I'm pretty good at not giving a shit about what society says.

​What's important to me is WHO I want to be.

​I'm not special. We're all capable of taking steps towards who we want to be.

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