My biggest takeaway from High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard


What a year 2020 has been. Full of ups, downs, sideways, inside outs, mobius strips, and eschers.

Meanwhile, we've all kept living.

I've had the luck and passion to take advantage of my social calendar disappearing in order to read even more good books than usual.

I'm going to talk a bit about the best books I read this year, culminating in my top two.

High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard gets an honourable mention. It's a pretty amazing book. It deserves more than I will give it in this email, as today I want to just leave you with the most important thing I took away from it.

And that's the second habit of high performers which he outlines: GENERATE ENERGY

Your energy is not a fixed mental, physical, or emotional state. Again, you don't "have" energy any more than a power plant does. A power plant transforms and transmits energy. In the same regard, you don't "have" happiness. Rather, you transform your thoughts into feelings that are or are not happy. You don't have to "have" sadness; you can transform it to something else.

Something about this clicked with me, and it made me realize that I am not at the whims of my emotions which come and go.

Nor does my responsibility stop at trying to create a container where good emotions are more likely to develop.

I am responsible for actually generating the energy I have, and the feelings I want.

And I can do this.

Simply by pausing, getting present, and then thinking about one thing I'm grateful for.

What's one thing you're grateful for?

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