Major Happy Lawyer Book Milestone


Big news. 😯 Yesterday, I submitted the final version of The Happy Lawyer book manuscript to the production team. Next up is cover, back-cover blurb, and some of the mechanics (like what categories to list under on amazon). We're self-publishing, and the team should turn it around in 2-2.5 months, which means we're looking at a late September / early October release for the book.

I'm VERY excited. 😃 Also, tired and out-of-sorts. 🥱

You ever get sick on the first day of vacation? I'm flirting with that right now. Not sick yet, but my body is raising its proverbial hand to say: "Hey, chill out dude. We need a breather."

So today is breather day. And if I still push too hard today (old habits die hard sometimes), tomorrow can be breather day too.

I've been working on the Happy Lawyer Project for almost 2.5 years now. I knew I'd get to this day eventually, and I'm pretty pleased that this day is today. Slow consistent steps are highly underrated, I think.

Sending you love, wherever you're at and whatever you're up to.



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