🌹 a poem for the inner critic


Here's a poem I wrote. I wanted to share it with you:

Roses are red, violets are blue, 🌹
I have a voice inside that says “I’m not as good as you.”
it’s a strong voice because it’s had lots of practice,
that’s why I’m strong, successful, fit, and fabulous.
I’ve relied on this voice like a crutch and a cane,
in pursuit of riches, love, and fame.
This voice serves me, but it’s harmful too,
to the point where sometimes I don’t know what to do -
to exile the voice or hand it the keys to the city
both options have merit, more’s the pity.


The voice is common and called many names
like saboteur, inner critic, gremlin, or shame,
but even though its methods are sometimes quite mean,
I call this voice friend, for it’s on my team.
I can love the voice without condoning what it does
by seeing its intention through forgiveness and love.
Though the way may be hard, it’s worth it to persist,
because there’s a truth we all to often resist:
the voice is me, and I am the voice,
and I deserve love because I exist.

I've been stepping into my own voice lately. This is my first poem, but I've been writing songs. I'll probably share them at some point.

You'll also see that I'm taking a stand for how we treat this voice of ours. This "inner critic". More on that later.

Oh, one last thing - you too deserve love because you exist. If it feels right, take a moment to thank yourself for caring about yourself, forgive yourself for being hard on yourself, and (hopefully) mean it.



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