Focus, Starting Easy, Loving Yourself


It’s been almost two months since the last podcast episode. A lot happened in that two months. The biggest of which, of course, was the omicron COVID-19 wave which caused schools to shut down and me to be at home with both of my boys.

I had to take a step back. To consolidate, and to focus on what’s important. I kept coaching, but stopped recording the podcast.

So, fast forward to a couple of days ago when I had time to myself for the first time in over two months. It was weird. And it was tough, too.

Throughout 2021 I was writing a lot. So I thought I’d try and get that back.

I set myself a timer - 20 minutes.

Just do what you can with 20 minutes.

Immediately my brain says, “You’re taking too long. It’s not going to be good. You might as well do something else that’s more productive.”

I also found myself getting very distracted. I tried to power through. It sort of worked. I ended up taking breaks, but also kept writing. It got a bit better over the 20 minutes - the last 2 minutes were easier and more productive than the first 2.

This story, to me, illustrates two things:

  1. Focus is a muscle. And I hadn’t flexed it in a long time.

  2. Being kind to myself was really helpful in allowing myself to build my focus again.

Focus was a habit I needed to build again. And the most important part of building a habit is showing up. We don’t walk into the gym for the first time and expect to lift 300 lbs.

As soon as I was more kind to myself, I started getting into the flow, writing without thinking, and doing some good work.

So, whatever it is on your plate right now, just do it. Just show up for yourself.

Join us this week as we discuss this and more.

Don’t like listening in-browser? Hit up Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher. NOTE: If you’re checking this out before Thursday, the episode likely won’t be up there yet!

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