On-Air Coaching - Learning How To Set Boundaries


"It doesn't really seem sustainable to keep trying to make everyone happy." Melissa said with some frustration. A toddler at home. A demanding job. People in her life that she valued and that she wanted to be happy.

It was the classic case of being caught between a rock, a hard place, another rock, and a few other hard places. There are so many demands on us these days, and it's so easy to let yourself get drained as you try to put out all the fires.

Sometimes that's the wrong thing to do.

When you just run from fire to fire, you can end up ignoring the important things that aren't on fire in that moment. This is especially true with loved ones, who will often give you extra leeway since they want to see you succeed.

So what do you do instead? For starters, you can begin to set some boundaries.

  • Boundaries to help you prioritize better.

  • Boundaries to help you refill your cup.

  • And (often more importantly) boundaries to stop your cup from draining so fast.

Check out the 10th episode of the Leader Rising podcast. This is an on-air coaching call as we discuss learning to set boundaries.