What if this was the LAST time I ever got to do this?


Recently, I sent an email about having a massive perspective shift that let me happily deal with a screaming preschooler.

A buddy responded, and offered something that made a big difference. He said that when he's been doing something difficult, he's been asking himself:

"What if this was the last time I ever got to do this?"

I've been trying it. It's a game changer.

It changes parenting. It changes marriage. It changes work.

It lets me appreciate what there is to appreciate instead of worrying about what's next. Like a pill that has the potential to instantly put me right in the moment.

And sometimes with certain tasks after I ask myself what if this was the last time I ever got to do this, I answer "good riddance!"

That's really important information to have too.

How much of what you do would you miss if it was the last time? And how much would you be happy to see go?

And today, what is one thing that you will pretend it's the last time you ever got to do it?

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