πŸ— Building in buffer... πŸ€“


If you're at all like me, you like to optimize things. πŸ€“

This may even extend to your life.

I like to have everything set out. I have exactly as many obligations as I can handle. Exactly as much time with my family as I need. Exactly as much time for exercise as I need. Exactly everything.

And it works great.

Until it doesn't.

You see, I balance everything keenly on a knife's edge. Which means all it needs is for one thing to be out of whack, and my house of cards πŸƒ comes crumbling down.

The solution?

Designing buffer into our lives.

We know life throws us curve balls ⚾, so why don't we plan for them?

Then on those days when everything goes well, you've got an extra minute to snuggle with a loved one. Or nap. Or pick up a book.

I'll build in this magical buffer ...

… just as soon as my current commitments finish. πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

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