

Melissa sent me an unsolicited note (posted here with her permission):

I was working through my FI/RE-Goal Setting-Get My Life Together spreadsheet and you know what's absolutely bonkers? How much my life has changed for the better over the past year (pandemic aside, obviously). I really think life coaching had a lot to do with it and I just wanted to start my new year by thanking you. I was promoted twice this year and finally landed in the brand management position that has eluded me for years. We managed to have an average savings rate of 57% in the back half of the year. And I got into grad school and will start my MBA this year. I don't really feel like I would have accomplished those goals if not for you helping to patiently coach me through several things holding me back.

I've never before in my life felt like I've been on such solid ground.

Paul KarvanisComment