πŸš€ from orbiting your dreams to charging towards them


"Yeah, I've done the challenge before - writing 1,000 words every day for two weeks," she said, brushing hair out of her eyes. "Last time I wrote about my project. About this idea that I've had for a long time."


I nodded. She cleared her throat and continued. "This time though, I decided to write my project. I don't know if it's any good, but honestly it's nice to be tackling it."


"How does it feel?" I asked.

Her face split in a grin, her eyes crinkled, and it seemed (if just for that moment) that everything in the world made sense. "Great," she said. But everything about her said that it was much more than great. And the why was clear:

She had gone from ORBITING her dreams to CHARGING towards them. πŸš€


From the outside, it can look similar. She was still sitting down to write 1,000 words a day, still related subject matter. But it felt totally different, because this time she was trying to write the story, not about the story.

This is key. πŸ—οΈ


Every time we move towards our dream, we begin to see ourselves as people who take action. We gain confidence that we CAN achieve dreams.


When we trust ourselves to do that, it matters less whether the dream is perfect because we know we'll be able to pivot and chase the new one. We're not pinning all our hopes on the one perfect dream, figuring we only get one shot at it.


For the most part, you get as many shots as you take. πŸ’

So if you're feeling stuck, maybe don't worry about whether it's the right dream and instead worry about where you're oriented. Are you avoiding it? Or charging directly towards it?


You got this. 😊



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