the map for overthinkers to get unstuck 😊


Unwittingly, I've developed a new specialty. I discovered some time ago that I'm actually really good at helping over-thinkers get unstuck. They're a peculiar beast of people - able to see all the angles of the problem (so it gets overwhelming), a bit too smart for their own good (they think), and then they get stuck in the spin cycle (never a fun place to be).

If this is you, luckily the process to get out is actually really simple:

  1. Take a lay of the land, noting all options, all internal objections, all competing (internal and external) interests. Fight the urge to spend too long here. Good enough is more than good enough.

  2. Decide whether it's worth committing to moving past it. If it's not (and sometimes it's not), just let it go.

  3. Take a single step. Proceed to item 4 below.

  4. Deal with all the internal shit that comes up as a result of that step. Tease it apart like you would tangled headphones (if, like me, you're luddite enough to still use wired headphones) - i.e. slowly, a little bit at a time. You don't just pick a wire and yank on it. That never works. It's just a little at a time. Be gentle and have compassion. Invariably, you add to the map you drew in step #1 above. When you're ready, go back to item 3 above.

That's it. The journey of a lifetime reduced to 4 simple steps.

It helps to have someone with you (like me 😊 (or a friend)) for the outside POV and accountability, but you can do it on your own too.

Good luck. You got this.



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