POP QUIZ: What's the right way to make art?


POP QUIZ: What's the right way to make art?

  1. The way other people say to do it.

  2. Your way.

Did you answer 1 or 2? Well, I think the correct answer is: it depends. What are you making the art for? And are you just starting out? Or are you a master of your craft?

If you only ever focus on #1 (the way you're supposed to do it), you'll just trod a beaten path, and never bring your own unique stamp to it.

It feels like the right way is to always do it your way. Can’t fault that answer. But there are advantages to doing it the way others say to do it. By first learning the basics, we can push our craft; by learning genre we can bend it; and by learning the accepted way, we can infuse deeper meaning and commentary into our work. Take what you like and discard the rest.

So for me, the answer is actually to do both. What's your right choice? I suspect it'll depend upon your circumstances and context.

Sort of like life.

It's helpful to listen to others who've gone before you. Learn what works for them, what helps people feel happy, feel fulfilled, make a difference. But never forget that you also need to do things your way. I’ve met too many people living the way others say to live and feeling trapped and hollow.

But for art? If you’re just starting out, I’d recommend you do whatever is easiest. Just get started. 😊

- Paul



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