we don't get the happiness we deserve
I was biking home from giving my Happy Lawyer talk last week when I ran across this art installation. I had to stop and take a photo.
I have to say, I don't agree with it. Here's what I believe:
We don't get the happiness we want, nor do we get the happiness we deserve. We get the happiness we BELIEVE we deserve.
The more I do this work (coaching, the Happy Lawyer project, etc), the more I see that our realities end up being reflections of what we believe they are. Immensely talent people who don't believe in their talent don't take the risks to put themselves out there. Nice people who believe they're the type of people who are in rocky painful relationships often end up in rocky, painful relationships.
What do you believe for yourself? Are you worthy of love? Are you resilient? Are you capable? Are you committed?
When you argue for (and believe in) your limitations, you get to keep them.
The first step (as always) is leaning into self-awareness. Figure out what you believe. Once you see that, you can start to see where it serves you and where it doesn't, and where reality agrees with it and where it doesn't.
May you know your worth.
Much love,
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