What to Ask Yourself if You're Stuck


​I was listening to a podcast (Minds and Mics with Nick Wignall) recently. He was interviewing Michael Bungay Stanier about his book How to Begin and they spoke a lot about reclaiming your ambition. The main point of Michael’s book is to get started.

Not to finish your dream. 🤔

Just to start.

That first step is such a huge step towards achieving those dreams. And those dreams will probably change during the course of your journey.

Starting is the biggest step. There’s so much value in the momentum.

And Michael proposes some questions to help kick start that journey.

  • What’s the benefit of the status quo?

  • What’s the benefit of your big dream?

Which got me thinking about other questions that I thought would be super useful to someone who is stuck in the space before they start:

  • What’s at risk by pursuing your dream?

  • What’s at risk by leaving the status quo?

  • What are you afraid of? What’s behind that?

  • What are you holding on too tight to?

I believe that these questions are incredibly useful for anyone who is stuck.

A lot of the stuck people who I’ve seen have been stuck because they weren’t being clear enough with themselves about all of the competing internal desires, nor how worried some of those internal parts were. The more they tried to ignore those worried parts, the more entrenched those parts got, the more stuck they got.

Think of it this way: If your car was stuck in a snowy street and 5 people pushed from the front and 5 from the back, you wouldn’t move anywhere. 😬

Similarly, if the parts of your mind are not working together to achieve a common goal, it’s harder to move forward and you end up stuck.

Join us on this week's podcast episode as we discuss this and more.

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