"in Europe 100 miles is a long way, in America 100 years is a long time"

Sometimes you see the darndest things on social media. A guy posted about his trip to our hobby mecca, and he said: "Traveled over 210 miles, spent 2 days at the holy land and only bought 1 pot of [silver paint]" Now, before I go further, you need to know that this is a big deal. In our hobby, we're notorious for buying much, much more than we need. And going to Warhammer World (which has pretty much every model you'd ever want) is a major opportunity to shop. So a bunch of people commended the guy's willpower. Personally, I'm going to bring an extra suitcase with me when I eventually make the pilgrimmage there.

But everyone else was debating whether 210 miles was a long distance. All of the Americans (and Canadians) talked about how it wasn't that big a deal. But some of the Europeans disagreed.

Interestingly, I can see both sides of this. It's almost exactly 210 miles from my house to my in-laws. I'll tell you, if both kids are sleeping in the back, it feels like a leisurely jaunt. With two kids screaming in the back, it's an eternity away.

Then one comment really stuck out: "in Europe 100 miles is a long way, in America 100 years is a long time"


So true. Our perspective is absolutely shaped by the people and society around us, which is in turn shaped by its history.

It's worth taking the time to ask yourself who you want to be. And then whether that vision of yourself is encouraged or undermined by the perspectives around you.

You don't just change others who you're around, they change you too.

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