The universe tapped me on the shoulder πŸ’™

Six months ago, I had one of those those moments where the universe tapped me on the shoulder, leaned in and whispered in my ear: "it's time to step up."

I was considering taking a course on writing. There was a part of me that really wanted to. But also, I was super busy πŸ˜“ with a growing business and growing family (and of course being a lawyer, which is not nothing).

And what would I write anyway? I wasn't ready to write a self-improvement book yet. And fiction? Who would read it? What would be the point? All compelling, reasonable reasons not to take the course. And yet, that part of me that wanted to take it - that part of me that wanted to WRITE - just would NOT shut up.

Here was where the universe stepped in.

I thought "maybe if I can get someone else to take it with me, I'll do it." Although probably normal for a lot of people, this is actually a weird thing for me to think. πŸ˜‘β€‹ I am happy to do things with strangers if they're things I want to do. And the biggest problems were that I didn't think I had time and I didn't know what the point would be - it's not like finding someone else to do it with me would solve those problems.

But anyway, I was still thinking it. So I posted on facebook:

"Thinking of doing a 6 month course on writing a book. Rallying troops. Any interest?" ​

When I woke up the next morning, there was interest! Four people had asked for more information...

But then I realized - THEY THOUGHT I WAS RUNNING THE COURSE! πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ They were not asking about the course I was prepared to sign up for, they were asking about the course I had created. πŸ˜²β€‹ Except that I hadn't created a course. At least, not yet.

Well f###. 🀨

Does the universe ever send signs that obvious? πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Of course, my strength isn't in book writing, so I couldn't teach a course on that. My strength is in creating space for people and feelings, and nurturing the community that comes from that. So, I created a 6 month pilot workshop titled BECOMING A WRITER. After all, the reason most of us don't write is not because we don't know how, but because something (usually our feelings around it) get in the way.

Four amazing, intrepid souls participated and we wrote. Fiction. Non-fiction. Novels. Screenplays. Social change pieces.

The workshop is done now, but the space was too valuable to let slip away. So we're continuing it. And we're opening up spots for a select few for whom this sounds right.

Just to be clear: this workshop is NOT on my website (except, I guess, on this post). It's a secret.

If you've always had that itch to write but you haven't tried or haven't been able to get it to stick, this may be just the thing for you.


And if not, that's cool too. I'd encourage you to do two things:

  1. Create more space in your life. I believe the universe talks to us much more often than we're listening.

  2. Don't discount something because there's no "point" to it. Sometimes that's actually the point.

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