🤔 Different is better than better


It’s weird - I'm pretty curious about what other coaches are doing when they're starting their business. Well, that’s pretty normal. After all, I know a lot of them personally and I want to see them succeed. 👏

The weird part is that I’m also doing it for market research. I want to see what they’re doing - and then do the OPPOSITE. 🙄

You see, I do my best to zag when others zig.

That phrase was introduced to me by my mentor, Giovanni Marsico, and it rests on the fundamental premise that "different is better than better."

Different is better than better.

When you're aiming for "better", it's because you're chasing the same metrics everyone else is. The best you can do is be better at the same thing. The problem is, with millions of people in our markets, there’s always someone better. Worse yet, most people are going to want a different pile. For example, if I have an achey lower back, I don’t want to go to the best chiro in town, I want to go to the best chiro that specializes in lower back issues.

And that’s great - because you're unique. Nobody else is you. So if you can do you, then you’re creating your own pile and for those people who want what you have, you’re the best option.

If you can do you, nobody else can copy you and damn the metrics.

This is a big deal for those of us who are entrepreneurs. It’s also a big deal for those of us who are employees. Yes, all of our jobs have standard tasks we need to be good at. But how can you lean into your strengths for everything else? I’ve never much cared for legal research, and I’ve always been pretty good at talking to people. So a focus on negotiations and communication is probably a good move for me.

So, how do you do YOU?

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