First time in 6 months...


I went into my favourite used bookstore πŸ“š yesterday.

Once I finally made it there (I had to turn around halfway cause I'd forgotten my mask πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ), I put on my mask and got my hands sprayed. Which was fine. I wasn't afraid.

I was content.

Because I was heading back to a space I really liked to do something I loved - look for books that I'd enjoy reading.

And I got to the self-help section. One of my favourites. And everything looked so meh.

So I went to the business section. Also one of my favourites. And everything STILL looked blah.

I couldn't find anything I wanted to read.

Honestly, I didn't even want to look.

And I realized that I was craving my ritual. My ritual of digging through books for the diamond in the rough.

But I couldn't get to my ritual because I couldn't take the time to dig. I didn't want to. I'd been gone from this space for almost 6 months. And when I finally went back it was mostly the same, but I wasn't.

I'd changed.

My "normal" didn't exist anymore - not because I couldn't get back there, but because when I did, I had changed.

*I* was different.

It's as Heraclitus said:

No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man.

And that's NOT a bad thing. We're ALWAYS changing. And I think one of the greatest disservices we can do to ourselves is to try to squish ourselves into our old boxes because familiarity is comfortable.

Embrace your change and ask yourself where you want to be moving. It's uncomfortable.

Growth is uncomfortable.

So what would it look like for you to only look forward, not backward?

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