"Just living the dream..." 😎🍁β™₯❀


"How you doing man?" I asked.

"Oh, just living the dream." He said. It was clear he was doing anything but. He had a smile on his face and a coffee in his hand πŸ€΅πŸ’Όβ˜•, but it was 9am, he'd been at the office for hours already and had left some time after midnight the night before. πŸŒ™

"Sucks man," I said. "Just crushing it, eh?"

"Just crushing it." He nodded. The smile slipped away - and he walked into his office and shut the door.

First, that was probably 9 years ago. I don't know if associates even talk like that anymore.

Second, have you ever heard anyone say "living the dream" non-facetiously?

I'm curious and this is a serious question. Please hit reply and let me know.

Third, it's weird to me.

We all have dreams. And we're chasing them. And yet, the dreams we talk about (even if we're talking about it facetiously) are those of crushing it and getting crushed in turn. Is this truly what we want for ourselves?

Or did we want something else and this is just the path that we thought would get us there quickest? Or most reliably?

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