pushing past the resistance 🤔


The longer I wait, the harder it is to start.

I’m talking about posting articles here on this blog (it’s been 8ish weeks since my last one). But I could have been talking about going to the gym. Or eating well. Or apologizing to someone I love.

We’ve all felt it. The resistance to start gets just a little bit harder every day.

September is here. School started yesterday. Though I may be decades removed from school, it still feels like the start of a new year. And though not much changes overnight, if I let whatever has changed be the push to start, then a great deal has changed.

And so here I am, starting again.

Showing up.

I don't care for applause, I'm just highlighting it as an example of pushing past the resistance. If I can push past the resistance, so can you. I'm not any more special than you, I promise you that. What have you been waiting to do? Waiting to start? Thinking “it’s too late now”…?

Now is as good a time as any. Start small, just start now.

Happy new year! 🥳😊 much love.



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